[song] マル・マル・モリ・モリ
不過台灣怎麼會沒有播マルモのおきて特別版呢? ="=
不過台灣怎麼會沒有播マルモのおきて特別版呢? ="=
芦田愛菜在片中的超齡演出真的很棒,最近也出專輯囉 >w<
[knitting] 欠阿娜答很久的背心 Vest for Jae
Today's project show is the vest for my boyfriend ( I owe him a vest for almost 2 years!)
線材:S. Sue 絲光美麗諾 - 銀灰
yarn: S. Sue Gloss Merino Yarn - Silver
輪針:日規#6 (本體)、#5(鬆緊編)
circular needle: JIS #6 for body and #5 for 2x2 rib
Date: Oct. 1, 2010~Oct. 21, 2010
Today's project show is the vest for my boyfriend ( I owe him a vest for almost 2 years!)
織圖:毛系だま 2006 冬季號 no.132 - 109頁 メンズニット イン ウィンター
pattern: Keito Dama No.132 - page 109 men's knit in winter線材:S. Sue 絲光美麗諾 - 銀灰
yarn: S. Sue Gloss Merino Yarn - Silver
輪針:日規#6 (本體)、#5(鬆緊編)
circular needle: JIS #6 for body and #5 for 2x2 rib
Date: Oct. 1, 2010~Oct. 21, 2010
[meaningless] these two months...
Wow! I suddenly found that I haven't update my blog for almost 2 months! Wonder what I have done in this period.....
Waiting for the finishing of "ordinary life", "Jae's vest", and "silver dahlia"....waiting for a sunny day which is suitable to wash my finished projects...
Finally these things are achieved...I found that the bottons of "ordinary life" fade! And even worse, it left several dirts on the coat.........
So now, I am WAITING for another sunny day to rewash it (with the hope that I could remove the dirts successfully...I'd use alchol to wip it, but that didn't do a lot of favor...) because it keeps raining this week.
Waiting for the finishing of "ordinary life", "Jae's vest", and "silver dahlia"....waiting for a sunny day which is suitable to wash my finished projects...
Finally these things are achieved...I found that the bottons of "ordinary life" fade! And even worse, it left several dirts on the coat.........
So now, I am WAITING for another sunny day to rewash it (with the hope that I could remove the dirts successfully...I'd use alchol to wip it, but that didn't do a lot of favor...) because it keeps raining this week.
[crochet] 可愛的啾啾 Chou-Chou
這一陣子都在緩慢的進行我的ordinary life,一邊製圖一邊織,終於要進入到最後的階段了,只剩下領口 / 口袋的單鬆緊編及這兩者的縫合(噢!對了,還有下次聚會時要帶去讓小玉鑑定是否合格的袖子半回針縫)
Since this July, I keep working on my "ordinary life" slowly because I redesign the pattern and knitting at the same time. Finally the final stage is arriving now, the collar and pocket k1*p1 rib are not finish yet. (Oh, and the half-running-stitch for sleeves my friend will check whether it is correct in next meeting.)
前天去買東西時,一時心血來潮就買了兩個普通的橡膠髮圈(不太知道中文的名稱,反正就是平常綁頭髮用的那種啦)。昨天把上個月敗的緣編書拿出來翻了翻,決定了,就拿小吉鋪賣的Diamond晶鑽絲光棉來玩玩吧~bling bling的效果很棒呢~真的是小吉鋪說的:有骨感的線喔♡
Two normal rubber bands was bought when I had a shopping in Sept. 16. And I read the edging pattern books I bought last months, then decide to have this small and interesting project. The yarn I use is Diamond Shinny cotton from Jii Store. I love the shinny and bone-feeling of this yarn~
[meaningless] 大敗家! Shopaholic
I'm such a Shopaholic this week even though some of them are necessary stuff. I bought knitting and crocheting books again (I swore not to buy them 1 month ago since I had a almost bursted book shelf )! These crocheting stuff are so cute, how do Japanese creat them so prolific??
Books.com.tw has sales on them now. 6 translated books for less than 1100NTD, you could only buy 2~3 original book in the same price~
Look! They are the Satans who steal my money!!
I'm such a Shopaholic this week even though some of them are necessary stuff. I bought knitting and crocheting books again (I swore not to buy them 1 month ago since I had a almost bursted book shelf )! These crocheting stuff are so cute, how do Japanese creat them so prolific??
Books.com.tw has sales on them now. 6 translated books for less than 1100NTD, you could only buy 2~3 original book in the same price~
Look! They are the Satans who steal my money!!
[meaningless] 太忙啦! I'm so busy!
I'm so busy recently...I have to re-put my stuff in order, and I have to spend time on my exam...So I don't have enough time to take photos and post articles.
I could just post this article to tell you my process now:
I'm so busy recently...I have to re-put my stuff in order, and I have to spend time on my exam...So I don't have enough time to take photos and post articles.
I could just post this article to tell you my process now:
[crochet] 鳳梨花背心-在製品 (pineapple scallop vest-wip)
Hahaha! I start using my hook again!
There's always something wrong every time I crochet. For example, different gauge when I swatch and crochet project, or I am really not satisfied with the project when I finish more than 50%.
So I have only few crochet project.
This project is queued for a long time because I don't have suitable yarn.
I bought this yarn from JiiStore few months ago, and the yarn is so beautiful and suitable for crochet.
パイナップル=鳳梨花 ベスト=背心
Oh! I am far away from my topic, let's get back~
Clover Japan named it パイナップルスカラップのベスト
パイナップル=pineapple ベスト=vest
So, what does スカラップ mean?
Hahaha! I start using my hook again!
There's always something wrong every time I crochet. For example, different gauge when I swatch and crochet project, or I am really not satisfied with the project when I finish more than 50%.
So I have only few crochet project.
This project is queued for a long time because I don't have suitable yarn.
I bought this yarn from JiiStore few months ago, and the yarn is so beautiful and suitable for crochet.
パイナップル=鳳梨花 ベスト=背心
Oh! I am far away from my topic, let's get back~
Clover Japan named it パイナップルスカラップのベスト
パイナップル=pineapple ベスト=vest
So, what does スカラップ mean?
[site] 加入hamanaka免費會員 join the free member of HAMANAKA
I mentioned about joining the free member of Hamanaka in this article, I think that some people would be interested in that.
I mentioned about joining the free member of Hamanaka in this article, I think that some people would be interested in that.
[knitting] 蝴蝶 butterfly
Actually I am not a good student in knitting class, I only hand in 3 projects (there are at least 10 projects should be done!). One of the unhand-in-project is the dolman-sleeve pullover. All the dolman-sleeve sweater looked rinky-dink at that time, I couldn't find any one which could encourage me to knit it.
Last year, I fould this special pullover from the new brochure bought by Pluto. I ripped my round neck cardigan (another unhand-in-project >"<) right away!
1. 身片的花就像蝴蝶一樣
2. 小小的連肩袖也很像蝴蝶
There are 2 reasons I named it "butterfly":
1) The pattern looks like a lot of butterfly
2) The unexaggerated dolman-sleeve looks like a butterfly ( To be honest, I still think the overdid dolman-sleeve is really ridiculous even though it is fashions since last year)
Time to stop chatting~ It's show time~
Actually I am not a good student in knitting class, I only hand in 3 projects (there are at least 10 projects should be done!). One of the unhand-in-project is the dolman-sleeve pullover. All the dolman-sleeve sweater looked rinky-dink at that time, I couldn't find any one which could encourage me to knit it.
Last year, I fould this special pullover from the new brochure bought by Pluto. I ripped my round neck cardigan (another unhand-in-project >"<) right away!
1. 身片的花就像蝴蝶一樣
2. 小小的連肩袖也很像蝴蝶
There are 2 reasons I named it "butterfly":
1) The pattern looks like a lot of butterfly
2) The unexaggerated dolman-sleeve looks like a butterfly ( To be honest, I still think the overdid dolman-sleeve is really ridiculous even though it is fashions since last year)
Time to stop chatting~ It's show time~
[knitting] V型花孔洞外套-由領口往下織 part 2 V pattern cardigan (knitting-top-down Ⅱ)
果然事情還是要打鐵趁熱才行~就像這幾天po的文一樣…不po則已,一po快10件 ="=真累…
This project is hot off the press. I just bought the bottons and sew them yesterday.
The things I do is what old saying: Strike the iron while it is hot.
I seldom post articles, but I post so many articles these days.
期間 Time:2011.01.23~2011.05.14
I put it aside when I should knit the front ribbing, sleeve, and buy the bottons as usual.
織圖 Pattern:張金蘭的「行家教你領口往下織」
"Experts teach you knitting top-down"
線材 Yarn:一片情竹棉約4.5顆,超省線,觸感很好
-每顆50G,長度不詳,每球50元 (一件只要225,真是賺到了!)
果然事情還是要打鐵趁熱才行~就像這幾天po的文一樣…不po則已,一po快10件 ="=真累…
This project is hot off the press. I just bought the bottons and sew them yesterday.
The things I do is what old saying: Strike the iron while it is hot.
I seldom post articles, but I post so many articles these days.
期間 Time:2011.01.23~2011.05.14
I put it aside when I should knit the front ribbing, sleeve, and buy the bottons as usual.
織圖 Pattern:張金蘭的「行家教你領口往下織」
"Experts teach you knitting top-down"
線材 Yarn:一片情竹棉約4.5顆,超省線,觸感很好
-每顆50G,長度不詳,每球50元 (一件只要225,真是賺到了!)
-Schachenmayr nomotta Yipianqing Bamboo * 4.5 skeins
(nice yarn, save and nice touching)
(nice yarn, save and nice touching)
- 50 gram/skein, 50NTD per skein (225 NTD for a cardign!)
- bought from ilike16888
[knitting] 鎖鍊紋上衣-由領口往下織part 1 Cable-chain (knitting-top-down part I)
This one is the first project from "Experts teach you knitting top-down", I finished this project last year.
The pattern is combined by Cable and Coin pattern (I am not sure whether it called "coin pattern". It looks like the coin with a hole in center).
I was mired in difficult when I was picking up stitches for sleeve, I still didn't pretty understand the technique for that even though I'd finished this project.
織圖 pattern:張金蘭的「行家教你領口往下織」
"Experts teach you knitting top-down"
線材 yarn:九色鹿 米蘭4.5顆
-Le Cerf Miland * 4.5 skeins
-50 grams, 52NTD per skein
-purchased from ilike16888
棒針 needle:在台中逢甲夜市裡面某個10元商店買的大陸輪針,約日規#5
The circular needle I bought from a small store near Feng Chia night marker. Made in China. Size is JIS#5.
This one is the first project from "Experts teach you knitting top-down", I finished this project last year.
The pattern is combined by Cable and Coin pattern (I am not sure whether it called "coin pattern". It looks like the coin with a hole in center).
I was mired in difficult when I was picking up stitches for sleeve, I still didn't pretty understand the technique for that even though I'd finished this project.
織圖 pattern:張金蘭的「行家教你領口往下織」
"Experts teach you knitting top-down"
線材 yarn:九色鹿 米蘭4.5顆
-Le Cerf Miland * 4.5 skeins
-50 grams, 52NTD per skein
-purchased from ilike16888
棒針 needle:在台中逢甲夜市裡面某個10元商店買的大陸輪針,約日規#5
The circular needle I bought from a small store near Feng Chia night marker. Made in China. Size is JIS#5.
[knitting] 志田圓型剪接葉紋長版衣 Flower Yoke designed by Hitomi
I am eagering to knit the project designed by Hitomi, but I always thought that I am not able to. This project ran into my eye in the winter of 2009, and it seemed undifficult. Maybe it's the best choice for my first Hitomi project. It is also the first top-down yoke project.
織圖來源pattern :志田14 Couture Knit 14: Lovely Adult Knits (麗しい大人のニット クチュールニット14)
I am eagering to knit the project designed by Hitomi, but I always thought that I am not able to. This project ran into my eye in the winter of 2009, and it seemed undifficult. Maybe it's the best choice for my first Hitomi project. It is also the first top-down yoke project.
編織期間Time:不詳,是在去年過完年後完工的吧 I can't remember it, but I could remember that it was finished after the Chinese New Year of 2010.
織圖來源pattern :志田14 Couture Knit 14: Lovely Adult Knits (麗しい大人のニット クチュールニット14)
[crochet] Hamanaka 脖圍?圍脖? Hamanaka Snood
I don't know the exact name of "snood" in Mandarin, I heard two different name of it. Anyway, it is a SNOOD.
I don't know the exact name of "snood" in Mandarin, I heard two different name of it. Anyway, it is a SNOOD.
[knitting] Lily披肩-完工 (Lily Shawl-finished)
最近真的是中了披肩的毒,明明在南台灣的高雄根本不需要這種東西,頂多只能充當圍巾用,但還是覺得披肩的造型多變,想試試不同的織法,所以又來了一件 ="= (這條是新月形的喔!)
I fell in love with shawls recently even though they don't work in Kaohsiung! I could only use them as scarf!
However the varieies of shwls attract me, I want to try the different things. So I start another one in crescent!

I fell in love with shawls recently even though they don't work in Kaohsiung! I could only use them as scarf!
However the varieies of shwls attract me, I want to try the different things. So I start another one in crescent!
[knitting] Print O' The Wave Stole-完工(finished!)
我的 Print O' The Wave Stole早在三月就完工啦~
My Print O' The Wave Stole was finished in March.
However my camera didn't work for more than 2 weeks, I took the photos these day.
I spent 1500NTD for the fix charge, but it is worth.

My Print O' The Wave Stole was finished in March.
However my camera didn't work for more than 2 weeks, I took the photos these day.
I spent 1500NTD for the fix charge, but it is worth.
[yarn store] 台北桂芳手藝行
在織Print O' The Wave Stole時我把線用光了,當時又無法上台北補線,網路上也找不到任何賣家在賣這組線,於是只好抱著試試看的心態打電話詢問是否能先匯款再寄線。老闆超阿沙力的答應了,而且還能貨到付款,實在是有夠棒的!
TEL: 0958-946193
在織Print O' The Wave Stole時我把線用光了,當時又無法上台北補線,網路上也找不到任何賣家在賣這組線,於是只好抱著試試看的心態打電話詢問是否能先匯款再寄線。老闆超阿沙力的答應了,而且還能貨到付款,實在是有夠棒的!
TEL: 0958-946193
[song] 平原绫香 はじまりの風
はじまりの風 作詞:路川ひまり 作曲:ID 編曲:YANAGIMAN 歌:平原綾香
はじまりの風よ 届けメッセージ
あの時 夢に見ていた世界に立っているのに
見渡す景色に 足を少しすくませ
だけど後ろ振り向かないで 歩いてゆくこと决めたから
見上げた空 七色の虹 あなたも見てますか?
はじまりの風よ 届けメッセージ
夢に驅け出した背中 見守るから
舞いあ上がる風よ 想いを伝えて
“いつでもあなたを信じているから” 羽ばたけ 未來へ
道は時に果てしなくても 諦めずに行くよ
はじまりの風よ 届けメッセージ
舞い上がる風よ 運命も越えて
願いは届くと 信じられるから
いつかまた逢えたなら あの笑顏見せて
はじまりの風よ 届けメッセージ
舞い上がる風よ 運命も越えて
願いは届くと 信じられるから
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