This one is the first project from "Experts teach you knitting top-down", I finished this project last year.
The pattern is combined by Cable and Coin pattern (I am not sure whether it called "coin pattern". It looks like the coin with a hole in center).
I was mired in difficult when I was picking up stitches for sleeve, I still didn't pretty understand the technique for that even though I'd finished this project.
織圖 pattern:張金蘭的「行家教你領口往下織」
"Experts teach you knitting top-down"
線材 yarn:九色鹿 米蘭4.5顆
-Le Cerf Miland * 4.5 skeins
-50 grams, 52NTD per skein
-purchased from ilike16888
棒針 needle:在台中逢甲夜市裡面某個10元商店買的大陸輪針,約日規#5
The circular needle I bought from a small store near Feng Chia night marker. Made in China. Size is JIS#5.
☆我織的身片短了約5cm吧,因為這組線有點彈性(一點點而已,我覺得還好,比起之前在某個網站買到的地雷線好太多了!),所以在量密度時千萬不要拉!(我就是白目在試穿時往下拉,所以才會以為已經夠長了^&$%$% )
The lengh of this pullover is 5cm shorter than I thought. Please take care when you are checking the gauge, since the yarn is with flexibility (just a little....but much better than another yarn I bought on-line...) I pull it when I tried this pullover on ...so I thought it's long enough!)
線材照片(雙手的溫柔編織提供) photo of yarn (offered by ilike16888):
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九色鹿-米蘭,色號1302,材質:65%超柔纖維+30%羊毛+5%萊卡(加萊卡會比較有彈性) Le Cerf-Miland, color#1302, 65% superfine fiber + 30% wool +5% Lycra |