I don't know the exact name of "snood" in Mandarin, I heard two different name of it. Anyway, it is a SNOOD.
這是今年的作品,在Aiamu Olive中有織圖,但後來在hamanaka的官網中也有免費公布,不過要先加入會員才行(免費的)。
It's the project finished this year. This is a free pattern offered by hamanaka, but you have to join the free member first. Want to join with me? click here. Aiamu Olive also have this pattern.
本來沒有想要鉤這種作品,(當時正在織Print O' The Wave Stole,早就打算把它當圍巾用,而且脖子也只有一個) 但因為我把之前製圖課織的等角拉克蘭給拆了,而這顆線又只有兩顆,實在很難想到用途,就乾脆鉤這件用掉好了。這件就鉤到兩顆剛好用完,恰好可以繞脖子超過兩圈(原圖的長度比較長,但我覺得要繞脖子超過兩圈也是件麻煩事) ^^這件的織圖很簡單,織個兩排就能把花樣記下來了。
I didn't want to crochet this project (I was kntiting Print O' The Wave Stole at that time, and I plan to use it as scarf. I have one neck only, so I don't need so many scarfs). However I rippe a project (equal angle reglan) of knitting class, and I have 2 skeins of the color only. It's hard for me to find another nice project for it. This snood spent 2 skeins of yarn (Ya! I run out of this yarn!), and the length is what I prefer~The pattern is really easy, and you could remember it after you crochet 2 rows.
期間 Time:不詳,但很快 I can't remember, but I know it's a quick-project
織圖 Pattern:hamanaka 官網 Hamanaka site
線材 Yarn:九色鹿 童年 Le Cerf - Childhood
-每顆50G,長度不詳,每球48元 50 gram / 48NTD per skein
-購自雙手的溫柔編織 bought from ilike16888
鉤針 Hook:鉤針4/0 JIS 4/0
線材照片(雙手的溫柔編織提供) photo of yarn (offer by ilike16888):
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九色鹿-童年,色號3583,材質:50%棉+40%壓克力+10%羊毛 Le Cerf - Childhood, colorway 3583, 50% cotton + 40% Arcylic + 10% Wool |