It keeps raining for severl days so it hasn't dry yet even I washed it last Friday night.
I like the combination of these two color yarn, the different colors between red ribbing make it looks like a basket full of flowers.
織圖 Pattern: Myrten Hat by Hiroko Fakatsu
線材 Yarn: Hamanaka best friends Wool M-深紅色 (dark red)
用針 Needle: JIS #2(起針 cast on), #3(身片 body)
期間 Time: 2011.11.27~2011.12.10
This is my first fair isle project.
之前不小心踩到一個大地雷,就是MONELLO BABY這組線。標籤上說是適合小baby用的防蟎線,但是實際織下去後,發現這組線的段染真不是普通的…醜!摸起來也有點粗糙,而且線的味道也很怪(應該說是臭),下過水後雖然粗糙度和味道有些改善,但仍舊不儘理想。原來不只大陸線和台灣線有地雷,連義大利線也會有大地雷存在!已經放了快兩年了吧,看到Hiroko的新織圖,突然想到這組線或許可以用來消耗一點。但要配色的話,我手邊也沒其他粗細相等的線,所以就跑去木布屋看(記得之前在那裡有看到粗細差不多的線,我也只需要一顆,就不要再上網訂了吧),就這麼剛好,看到了Hamanaka best friends Wool M這組線,深紅色配起來應該還不錯吧,而且還滿便宜的,只要NT 90/顆,就是它了!
A big mistake I made 2 years ago is buying Monello Baby Yarn. However it is really ugly yarn because the colors run really short. Moreover, it is rough and with wierd smell. After washing it by water, it is a little softer but still has horrible smell (but different with before). I can't believe that a yarn made in Italy like that! When I saw the new pattern from Hiroko, I think that maybe I could use it now. But I need another color to match (hide the ugly) Monello baby yarn. So I went to wood-and-cloth house and find Hamanaka best friends Wool M, it has a reasonable price: NT 90/skein. That's the yarn I want: soft and right color (dark red should be matched with the spoty Monello)
在起針的部分我用"fair isle"起針法來做,這種起針法是我從手編襪子基本功裡面看到的,正好這個作品可以拿來試。
I use "fair isle" cast on which I learned from Hand-knitted socks.