最近真的是中了披肩的毒,明明在南台灣的高雄根本不需要這種東西,頂多只能充當圍巾用,但還是覺得披肩的造型多變,想試試不同的織法,所以又來了一件 ="= (這條是新月形的喔!)
I fell in love with shawls recently even though they don't work in Kaohsiung! I could only use them as scarf!
However the varieies of shwls attract me, I want to try the different things. So I start another one in crescent!
我的 Print O' The Wave Stole早在三月就完工啦~
My Print O' The Wave Stole was finished in March.
However my camera didn't work for more than 2 weeks, I took the photos these day.
I spent 1500NTD for the fix charge, but it is worth.