My Print O' The Wave Stole was finished in March.
However my camera didn't work for more than 2 weeks, I took the photos these day.
I spent 1500NTD for the fix charge, but it is worth.
1. 織圖上雖然說只要732m的線,但很多織女反應這絕對是不夠的喔~像我照原圖用5號針,但用線量卻是超過900m(我並不是個手法很鬆的人),所以我覺得至少要準備1000m的線才夠喔
2. 起頭的挑針不用留太長的線頭,大約10cm就夠了。
3. 原圖是織兩片本體再對縫後挑針,但如果是沒織過毛海、或是像我這種手縫功力差的人,建議還是直接織一片本體就挑針,而且這樣一來不用剪線,整件作品要藏線的部分就只有起針、換線、緣邊起針和收針的地方。
4. 挑針前請先紙上估算一下,以免像我一樣又拆了一遍(泣!)
5. 緣邊的圖有誤,可參考tweetytammy的說明;另外在緣邊與eyelet間的滑針(原圖的「~」),記得在滑之前要把線往後擺,這樣才會把那段線留在背面,成品會比較美(我想到的時候已經織了好幾個緣邊了,一點也不想再拆第二次,就這樣一路錯到底吧)
6. 我在定型時發現這件披肩真的很巨大,10塊塑膠墊只能勉強定型一半而已,要嘛就多買幾塊塑膠墊,不然就換小號針來織吧
If you are interested in knitting this stole, please notice the below things:
1. The designer mentioned that 732m yarn would be ok, but most of the knitter think that's inadequate. I use the same size as the original one, but I use more than 900m yarn! (I usually knit tight!) So I think the preparation of 1000m would be better.
2. Leaving the end of yarn too long is not needed, 10cm would be fine.
3. The body in original design is knitted in 2 parts and then sewn together. However I recommend knitting in 1 piece and then pick up the stitches for inner round without cutting yarn, especially for the knitter never used mohair before / lack the technique of sewing. Moreover, you need to darn 4 parts of yarn: cast on for body, end of miter increase round, cast on for edging, end of edging.
4. Please calculate how to pick up the stitches for inner border before you start to pick them up! (otherwise you will be regretful later...)
5. The patter of edging need to be revised, you could browse tweetytommy's blog for that. And please remember to pur your yarn in the back when you do the slip stitch. I recalled it after finishing 5 edging pattens...it's too late and I don't want to rip it again. What I could do is just ignore it!
6. This stole is really huge... My blocking pad is not big enough (Actually I could only block half of this stole at one time...) So you need a bigger blocking pad or change smaller size of needle.
Have you seen that? Because I didn't put the yarn in the back when I do slip stitch, there is a raised line between miter increase round and edging, it is on the right side!! I didn't block the corner pretty because the blocking pad is not big enough...These are the 2 defects of this project.
期間 time:2010.09.20~2011.03.21 居然拖了半年才完工… (6 month!!)
完工尺寸 size after blocking:160cm*52cm (這是沒有完全定型的尺寸喔,如果我有足夠的塑膠墊+空間給它催下去的話,說不定能到180*60,果真是像文奇花說的"一個單人床的尺寸")
It's the size not blocking very well. If I have enough blocking pad and space, I think the size will reach 180cm*60cm. I realize what 文奇花 said: the size is just like a SINGLE BED.
*備註-對於Eunny Jang 的緣編織圖我的解釋如下(沒有修改,只是對我一開始有疑問而後來了解的地方加以注釋而已)
Eyelet round:
Rnd 1: *YO, k2 [YO, k2tog]到記號圈,YO, k2 (這三針是角落的針), 再重覆*
Miter increase rounds :
Rnd 1: YO, *織下針直到下個記號圈,YO, k2, YO (這四針是角落的針), 再重覆*
* REMARK- My explanation for the inner border (I don't think that any mode on this part, just my realization for your reference)
Eyelet round:
Rnd 1: *YO, k2 [YO, k2tog] to marker---YO, k2 (these 3 stitches are for corner), and then repeat*
Miter increase rounds:
Rnd 1: YO, *knit to next marker---YO, k2, YO (these 4 stitches are for corner), and then repeat*
After you redistributer the edging markers, there sould be 240 stitches per long side (for 30 edging patterns per side), 80 stitches per short side (for 10 edging patterns per side), and 4 stitches per corner (for 1 edging patter per corner). The total stitches will be 656 stitches (for 84 edging patterns)