Actually I am not a good student in knitting class, I only hand in 3 projects (there are at least 10 projects should be done!). One of the unhand-in-project is the dolman-sleeve pullover. All the dolman-sleeve sweater looked rinky-dink at that time, I couldn't find any one which could encourage me to knit it.
Last year, I fould this special pullover from the new brochure bought by Pluto. I ripped my round neck cardigan (another unhand-in-project >"<) right away!
1. 身片的花就像蝴蝶一樣
2. 小小的連肩袖也很像蝴蝶
There are 2 reasons I named it "butterfly":
1) The pattern looks like a lot of butterfly
2) The unexaggerated dolman-sleeve looks like a butterfly ( To be honest, I still think the overdid dolman-sleeve is really ridiculous even though it is fashions since last year)
Time to stop chatting~ It's show time~
居然拍糊了…我的拍照技術真該改進了="= Uh...this photo is not clear....It's my problem, not my camera's... |
很有特色的後片 I love the design in the back~ |
連肩袖的由來就是這樣~整件就只要織兩片對縫就好了❤ For dolman-sleeve pullover, you just need to knit front and back, and then sew them together~and... finished! |
1. 原圖背後的洞實在有夠大,長度約13~14CM吧!我有縮小到11CM,感覺好多了
2. 原圖背後是用蝴蝶結,但看起來很厚很礙眼,所以我就偷懶用釦子來代替啦,還不錯看呢
My modes:
1) The length of the hole in the back in original pattern is 13~14cm, it's too big! I reduce it to 11cm, looks goods!
2) The original pattern use a bow above the hole, but it's so burdensome. I use flower-shape button instead~
織圖來源 Pattern:Aiamu Olive Vol. 364 (2010年7月)
線材 Yarn:象印絲光棉 Eva 100% cotton
-每顆40G,長度110米 ( 110m/ 40g per skein)
-購自羊咩部屋 bought from sheep-shouse
棒針 Needle:金魚牌棒針 #5 (起針用)、#3(起伏編用)、#4 (本體用)
Gold fish DPN JIS #5 (for cast-on), #3 (for gather stitch), #4 (for body)
這個作品原先是在"コットンの糸で編む今着たいニット"這本書裡面,但這個作品拍得很不起眼,所以我看過也不會想織;等到小玉買了Aiamu Olive Vol. 364 (2010年7月) 後,才注意到這件超吸引人的作品,不相信兩張照片差這麼多嗎?PK一下吧:
This patter is first publish in "コットンの糸で編む今着たいニット", but this photo didn't attract me .
I notice this work in Aiamu Olive Vol. 364 (2010年7月) (bought by Pluto). You don't believe that there won't be so different between these two photos?! Let's see the fact!
コットンの糸で編む今着たいニット裡的照片 The one in "コットンの糸で編む今着たいニット" |
Aiamu Olive Vol. 364 (2010年7月) 裡的照片 The one in "Aiamu Olive Vol. 364 (2010年7月)" |
How do you think?