I mentioned about joining the free member of Hamanaka in this article, I think that some people would be interested in that.
1. 先到這個網站 Go to this site first:https://www.amuuse.jp/entry/
2. 輸入個人資料 Key in your personal information:
每個欄位的意思,有*的是必填: The meaning of per column (the column with * means "You have to submit it)
① ニックネーム* =暱稱=nickname
② 都道府県* =居住都市=city you live (裡面只有日本的都市可以選,隨便選一個吧) (city in Japan only, you could choose anyone you like)
③市町村区* =居住區/村= district you live (裡面還是只有日本的可以選,隨便選一個吧) (district in Japan only, you could choose anyone you like)
④性別=性別= gender ( male / female)
⑤生年月日=出生日=birthday (yyyy/mm/dd)
⑥メールアドレス* = email = email address(兩欄key 一樣的,確認不會手誤而已) (key in the same email address in the two columns for double check)
⑦パスワード* = 密碼 = password (兩欄key 一樣的,確認不會手誤而已) (key in the same password in the 2 columns for double check)
⑧このサイトへお越しになったきっかけ= 如何得知此網站=the way you learn the site
⑨お好きな手芸=喜歡的手工藝=the craft you like
⑩メールマガジン* =是否要收到電子報 = Would you like to subscribe it (Yes / No)
接下來依序按下這幾個按鍵 And then click these buttons.
This page is for doule check your person information. If you would like to amend some information, click the grey button next to 3. |
3. 接下來hamanaka會寄驗證信到你的信箱
Hamanaka will email the link to your email
Hamanaka will email the link to your email
收到的信會像這樣 The email you received looks like:
只要按下那個連結就完成啦~ Click the button and you will be success! Congratuation!之後就可以從右上角的綠色按鍵登入,不過要注意,登入要輸入的是email跟密碼喔
You could login in by the green button in the upper right, please notice that you should key in email address and password for login in.
Q: 那免費的織圖要從哪裡看呢? So where could I see the free pattern?
A:從下面兩個藍紫色的連結進去就看得到啦~Just clike the one of the buttons in blue-purple fram.
看到了嗎? Have you seen that?