I fell in love with shawls recently even though they don't work in Kaohsiung! I could only use them as scarf!
However the varieies of shwls attract me, I want to try the different things. So I start another one in crescent!
這件Lily 織起來超快速,只花了五天就完工了,只是完工後覺得好像跟想像的不同,猶豫要不要拆又考慮了10天,還好最後決定不要拆,成品很美吧~
It is really a fast project, which I spent 5 days to finish it. However I hesitate whether I sould rip it after finished it because it seems not so beauty as the other knitters' work. I determined to keep it. The work is so pretty after blocking!
期間 Time:2011.04.02~2011.04.06
織圖 Pattern:ravelry
線材 Yarn:100%超細支美麗諾羊毛約半顆 100% super fine Marino Wool *0.5 skein
-每顆125G,長度不詳,每球180元 150gram/skein, 180NTD per skein
-材質:100%美麗諾羊毛 100% Marino Wool
-購自雙手的溫柔編織 bought from ilike16888
棒針 Needle:熊貓牌#8 80CM金屬輪針*1 (5.1mm,相當於日規的#10,起針用)
同款#7 80CM金屬輪針*1 (4.5mm,相當於日規的#8,織本體用)
Panda circular needle #8 80CM*1 (5.1mm, close to JIS #10, for cast on)
Panda circular needle #7 80CM*1 (4.5mm, close to JIS #8, for body)
其他配件 Accessory:記號圈A色*19個(用於區隔出每個花樣)
Markers in A color*19 (to seperate each pattern)
1. 拉兩股來織,原圖是17個花樣,但我覺得我的密度比較小,所以又多加了兩朵花(但定型時我發現19朵花有點太長,17朵應該就可以了)
2. 因為這件是由下往上打的,所以要用大兩號的針鬆鬆地用手指起針,起針數雖然多(19朵花起了387針),但後面打起來還滿愉快的
3. 花樣只有40行,所以打起來很快,織完花樣後就可以開始做"邊織邊進行的引返",織完後本體就完成啦~
4. 採用I-cord 收針:這種方法我在網路上常看到,但一直沒有去實行,這次終於有機會了~
5. 接下來就只要下水定型就完成了,這組線下水後超好摸的❤
1. Knit in 2 plies. The original one is in 17 patterns, but I added 2 extra patterns because I think that I have tighter gauge (I found that 17 patterns are enough when I am blocking it.)
2. This project is knitting down-top, so I use 2 size larger needle to cast on. The cast-on stitches is 387 (for 19 patterns). Maybe you think it is too many stitches, but I feel that it's really happy to knit it.
3. It takes 40 rows for this shawl, so it's really fast-work. After you finished the patter, start the wrap & turn right away ( I use Japanese way instead of European way). Then the work is done after finish wrap & turn.
4. I-cord bind off: I saw it really oftern from other knitters' blog, but I had never tried before. It's a good chance to practice.
5. Blocking. The yarn is so soft after soaking, I love it!
Finished size: Wingspan along 180 cm. From cast on along center stitch to bind off 35 cm, so my blocking pad is not enough again... (The original one is 160 cm * 30cm, so 17 patterns are enough)
滿意度超高,再來一張吧! 5 star satisfaction!
有像百合厚! It looks like Lily~ |
線材照片(雙手的溫柔編織提供) Yarn (offered by ilike16888):