
[knitting] snow 雪白

我的new one拍照技術還有待改進,請見諒啦~
I think the problem is my ability of photo, not my New One XD

織圖 Pattern: Phildar No. 468 (2007)
線材 Yarn: 小吉鋪的「九色鹿黑貂大衣線」Le Cerf  "Sable" bought from Jii Store
用針 Needle: JIS #12、8、10 (5.5, 4.5, and 5.0mm
期間 Time: 2013.01.25 - 2013.02.13

As usual, this project was finished several months ago, and finally, I am going to post it!

在小吉鋪上以低價買到的九色鹿黑貂大衣線因為不確定需要的米數,所以就直接下手了15捲!本來是要幫別人織背心的,但因為1. 太粗了  2. 有點扎  3. 也不再需要幫對方織了,所以只好另找織圖。
This yarn was bought from the big sale of Jii store.  I bought 15 skeins because I am not sure how many skeins I am going to use.  I planed to knit a vest for others, but I gave up for these reasons: 1. too thick  2. it's a little stingy  3. Not necessary to knit Anything for Someone.  Then, I decided to find another suitable pattern.

After searching for a long time, I find the nice pattern from ravelry.  However, I found that this yarn was still much thicker than the original yarn, and probably I don't have enough yarn for this vest.  I thought about giving up.  But, if I did that, I had no idea when I would use this yarn in the future.  So I started to find the solution.

Then, I decided to divide this yarn by ply and asked knitters on ravelry for their experience and suggestions. However, almost everyone told me to give up.  Never!  I am not the person who doesn't take a try at all.  When I decide, I take action no matter what others say.  If I don't take a try, I would never know the answer.

Sable is constructed by 3 ply, so I am not able to divide it equal.  I choose to divide it into 1 ply and 2 plies. Find HERE for my way.

雖然改用兩股來織可以解決線長不足的方法,但同時拆股的線又比原圖的線還細加上我的手法問題,所以只好採用50/52的尺寸來織 (我的實際尺寸是34/36)。
That way help me on the problem of being short of yarn, but the divided yarn is thinner than the original one. To solve this problem, I choose 50/52 size instead of 34/36 size.

Casting on 1*1 rib by 5.0 mm circular needle, knitting 1*1 rib by 4.5 mm circular needle, and knitting the body by 5.5 mm circular needle.  It's a little difficult in the beginning owing to lots of cables.  After adding the stitches in the central, the cables will be fewer and fewer.  The pattern of central parts will show up little by little, so does my happiness.  That's the part I favorite!
趁著過農曆年的時候大趕工!Try to get this project done during Chinese New Year!

Knit the shoulder by short-row instead of the original way.  I think Japanese way is much more exquisite.

This is a warm project and makes me sweaty during photoing in June!  The only shortcoming is that the it's not knitted in circle, so the cable is discontinued on the side sewing.  It's a little heavy (460 gram, takes about 9.2 skeins of yarn) and destroy the plastic tube on my circular needle.
5~6 skeins is still left, so I have to start to think what to do next.  I am success in this yarn-eliminating-war!

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Yali Phil,謝謝妳的讚美喲~