
[knitting] snow 雪白

我的new one拍照技術還有待改進,請見諒啦~
I think the problem is my ability of photo, not my New One XD


How to divide your yarn by ply 毛線拆股方法

搜尋了很多網路上的文章後,發現大部分教人拆線的文章,都是在講"依長度"來拆,但我需 要的是"依股數"來拆,後來我發現了這個方法,覺得還滿好用的。如果還有其他織友有更好的方法,也歡迎分享交流。
I found that most of the articles on the Internet are teaching knitter to divide their yarn by "length" instead of "plies", so I decide to share the way I use with you.  If you have better ways to divide yarn, please do not hesitate to share with others.

過程如下 The processes:


Summer Vacation is on the corner!

Two week later, it's my summer vacation! (Finally...)
After a series of reports, I finally can prepare updating my blog and start my projects.
There are 6 finished projects which haven't be posted, and all of them are not been taken photos yet (even been washed)!
Moreover, there are at least 3 projects haven't been finished yet.
Several projects takes such a loooong time, that I even can't remember the process >"<

The most important thing recently is that IT IS MY ANNUAL INDEPENDENT DAY! ( I can't remember the exact date, so... anyway, whole May and June are my independent day!)
To celebrate that, I bought a new smart phone as a gift for myself! 
(actually, another reason is that my previous stupid phone didn't work on the second day when I was taking a business trip)

I know that it's a little expensive, but I AM WORTHY!!


Why are Taiwanese so angry?

Why are Taiwanese so angry?

The fact is that Philippines public servants killed the bare-handed fisherman, and then Philippines government has kept fooling Taiwanese for this murder.

If your family were murdered, and the killer say "regret" to you with this face, how do you think?  Do you accept the "regret"?

And it's not the first time Philippines public servants killed Taiwanese fisherman!!