
[crochet] release 解脫

織圖 Pattern:スタイリッシュな手編みのニット Stylish Hand-Knits
          You could also find the motif from this book: 300 Motifs and Edgings 
線材 Yarn: 雙手的溫柔編織-可樂棉 (無品牌) Cocotte, buy from Ilike16888, no brand
鉤針 Hook:  JIS 4 (2.5mm)
期間 Time: 2012.09.07~2012.10.30

I didn't buy this book because nothing appeal me in it.  I saw this pullover first time in Margaret's blog, and she had 2 projects: here and here.  (I like diving in others' blog!)  For me, motif is not such an interesting thing, but this pullover make the body look thinner is so great!  And I love the sleeve!  At that time, I just bought this yarn but have not idea about what project I could do.  That's the project I need!

I didn't have the pattern since I didn't buy the book, of course.  I am not the excellent person who could figure out how to crochet by just looking the projects finished by others.  The only one clue is what Margaret say:  There are 28 motifs needed for this pattern (it's also one reason I would like to try motif project, ONLY 28 MOTIFS!!).  Suddenly, a thought came into my mind:  Maybe I have the pattern, but I just didn't know, I have a motif pattern book!  Bingo!  I got the right way.  You could also find the pattern from this book:
Actually, most of the motif projects are all the same,
but Japanese could make them difference!

細部花樣圖  close look of the pattern

Cocotte includes 1 ply of shinny fiber, that makes it look elegant; however, the yarn is so loose, so I often crochet / knit only a part of the yarn.  Sometimes it is even hooked in the chain of my bracelet!

In the original pattern, this pullover has edging, so the length of 28 pcs motif is enough.  I can't find a suitable edging, so I decide to add extra 6 pcs motif to increase the length, even I have to hide more yarn tails (the total quantity of yarn tail I have to hide is 28 pcs of motif * 2 tails =56 tails.)  Anyway, I had almost hidden all of the tail when I decided to add extra motif.  It only spent me less than 3 skeins of yarn♡~

可樂棉 cocotte
