
[knitting] 草莓奶昔-完工 Strawberry Milkshake-finished

九色鹿的米蘭是組"帶有點彈性"的線 (我買過更有彈性的線,跟橡皮筋沒兩樣!),我已經試過兩個作品,但都在快完工時因為不滿意又全拆了,根本是帶詛咒的線!。所以在很生氣的情況之下,決定乾脆來做我家寶貝的衣服(?)
I am not intent to turn this sweater into strawberry milkshake, it was just a coincidence.
The collocation of white snowflakes and red is so classic, but I don't have them in stock because I don't really like red.
Miland of Le Cerf is a yarn with "a little" flexiblility ( I have yarn with "much more flexibility", it is like a band! ).  I tried 2 projects before but ripped all of them when they were almost finished because I was not so satisfied with them.  This must be a cursed yarn, isn't it?
After the second ripping, I was so angry and then decided to knit my dog's sweater by it.

為了達到消線有保暖效果的目的,拉了兩股線一起織,而且是用6號針來織 (之前用米蘭單股織衣服是用5號針)
This project had been in my queue for a long time, the snowflakes attract me so much.  Besides, I just finished "flower shop", so why don't I start another fair-isle project?
To eliminate the cursed yarn as much as possible keep warm, I knit 2 ply by JIS #6  ( the previous projects were knitted by JIS #5, 1 ply)

1. 原圖的雪花模樣是在胸口的,但我比較喜歡雪花在下擺的地方,所以把整個模樣上下顛倒織。
2. 整件衣服直接用拉克蘭的版型來織,怕領口太緊,我還採用別線起針法。
3. 袖口的地方我也擔心鬆緊針收縫太緊而不好活動,改用新學到的方法來收針,效果還不錯喔!
4. 領口的收針改用兩鎖針+1併針
1. The original snow flake is around the bust, but I prefer the snow flake in the bottom.  So I knit it upside down!
2. Use raglan way and provisional casting on to prevent the tight neck line.
3. Use a new way to bind off , it seems that it's a nice amend!
4. Bind off neck by (2 chain stitch,

織圖 Pattern:Drops
線材 Yarn: 九色鹿米蘭-淺紫紅+童話-白 Le Cerf Miland - light purple & Le Cerf Fairy Tale(?) - white
輪針Circular needle:  JIS #6、#8、#3
期間 Time: 2012.01.26~2012.02.01

Sh~She is probably dream that she is playing in snow ground!

1. 前領穿起來太低了,之後可能要用引返的方式
2. 衣長太長了一點,下擺容易因為後腳活動而翹起
3. 米蘭太有彈性,導致領口收針不好看
4. 領口太鬆了,看來我用別線起針的用意是多慮了
The reminder for next dog's sweater:
1. The front neck is to low...maybe I should try wrap and turn next time.
2. The bottom raises easily because the length is too long.
3. Neck bind off is not suitable for this yarn.
4. Neck is too loose, try another cast on way next time.
