從去年9月開打的Print O' The Wave Stole 終於進入最後階段囉~
I started this project last September, but the edging is just beginning now.
Actually it won't spend me so much time if I pay all my attention on it.
I always have several projects in hand at the same time.
I started this project last September, but the edging is just beginning now.
Actually it won't spend me so much time if I pay all my attention on it.
I always have several projects in hand at the same time.
Special thanks for the below knitters whose instructions do me a favor to finish it.
Special thanks for the below knitters whose instructions do me a favor to finish it.
織圖 pattern:ravelry
線材:MIRU毛海*2.2 (我本來只買兩顆,結果不夠用只差一點點就可以完工了)
-此線標示很特別的地方:MADE FOR JAPAN (那產地到底是哪裡??)
-450 m / 50gram per skein. It cost 99NTD per skein;
I didn't buy luxury mohair since I never knitted with mohair before.
- 80% mohair, 20% Nylon (it's a little sting, but it would be
a little better after soaking in fabric softener)
-Special thing about it: MADE FOR JAPAN (So which country it is made in?)
-Buy from a yarn store in Taipei
Needle: Stanbuck (I don't know how to spell it since there is no any brand on the packing except LOGO) circular needle JIS #5 80CM and #5 40CM
Accessories: marker in A color *1 (for the beginning of edging)
marker in B color *3
marker in C color *4
marker in D color * several pieces
Accessories: marker in A color *1 (for the beginning of edging)
marker in B color *3
marker in C color *4
marker in D color * several pieces
本體的部分原圖是分成兩塊再對縫,但我看過yu的成品後還是決定一次打完,不要用縫的。一來是因為我沒做過對針縫,而且又是第一次使用毛海,怕到時就救不回來啦,二來是如果一體成形的話,只要線夠長,本體連同挑針及EYELET ROUND的部分就不用剪線啦(--→懶人)
The original pattern of body is knitted in 2 pieces and then saw them together. After I see yu's project, I decide to knit it in one piece for 2 reasons:
1. I have never sewn it before, and it's the first time I use mohair. So it's really difficult for me to do that.
2. If I knit the body in one piece, I could do the eyeround without cutting the yarn! I could darn fewer yarn ends ( I am such a lazy person)
The original pattern of body is knitted in 2 pieces and then saw them together. After I see yu's project, I decide to knit it in one piece for 2 reasons:
1. I have never sewn it before, and it's the first time I use mohair. So it's really difficult for me to do that.
2. If I knit the body in one piece, I could do the eyeround without cutting the yarn! I could darn fewer yarn ends ( I am such a lazy person)
There is no question for me when I knit the body. The biggest problem is the inner border, since it is so hard to know how to do that from the description. I browsed many blogs for that, but I immediately found that every knitter just knits in their way. However I failed in my first way, the edging is incorrect...I finally ripped the inner border and eyeround after consideration since I don't want to be beaten here. I think I finally know what Eunny Jang want to express, so it is really worth ripping.
There is no question for me when I knit the body. The biggest problem is the inner border, since it is so hard to know how to do that from the description. I browsed many blogs for that, but I immediately found that every knitter just knits in their way. However I failed in my first way, the edging is incorrect...I finally ripped the inner border and eyeround after consideration since I don't want to be beaten here. I think I finally know what Eunny Jang want to express, so it is really worth ripping.
下過水後的照片,還不賴吧^^ After blocking |